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MFA Application for Fall 2010 (aka round 2)


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OK, so looks very likely that I'll be doing a second round of applications (the one school I got into is not giving enough financial love and I've been struggling in the "real world" for far too long to ever take on that much debt).

I'll definitely be applying to much more schools and places that offer more funding, but of course these are generally University-type places and therefore more competitive for their very few spots. I'll make a few new pieces this year that I think will make my portfolio stronger overall, rewrite my essay, try to add onto my resume with at least one more show and hopefully a residency, etc.

I was hoping that those of you who got lucky on their second try this year can offer up some specific advice from your recipe for better success (something you actually did or changed that worked).. sort of as a parting gift for those of us who will still be on this forum. Your generous sharing will be greatly appreciated.

For those also applying for next year, if you are in the SF Bay Area we should get together for a critique/info sharing session. Write me privately if interested...

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Hi SSap,

You are right! I think you would get good offer through round 2 rolling, you have enough time to prepare your application, enhance your experience and make a stronger portfolio, especially, you will get sense about how to follow the rule of the game or apperceive that who is the person the school want to hire.

I have been studied at U.S for some years, and got worked at professional area in Euro before I came into States. However, I was totally failed at round 1 of Undergraduate Application. Actullay, I got admission from Calarts,UCLA,USC that year, don't ask why I didn't go, you know that.

So, I took the risk to applied for next year. I got admissions plus FA from Midd,Bard,Yale(Photo),Stanford(EA) ,NYU, Wharton(Under) and etc.

I shift my life to the new area, sculpture and 3D when I met my prof from Alfred, I will start my application for MFA program this summer, so good luck and hope you could get into somewhere you really want to go and $$$$$$$$.

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  • 5 weeks later...

hey Ssap,

I will be applying again too, actually, this will be my third round! :)

If anyone has any tips, whether it be suggestions of programs, stuff about applications ( statements, cvs, etc..) or about the actual work, it would be most appreciated. I am very determined to go for my MFA in painting, and would love it if some of those who have had success in this fickle process could give me some advice for next year. My website is on the right.


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