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So... now what?


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I have interviewed at 3/4 schools I applied to, and have picked my favorite school. Now that I've seen the campus and met the faculty, I am more excited than I've been during this entire process. The only trouble is that they have 5 spots for 14 interviewees!

Now I have to just....wait?? It's been less than seven hours since I left the school and I can't stop thinking about it. I can't sleep. I'm wide awake. It's 2:30 in the morning.

It's hard to believe some people have been this anxious since they submitted their apps! This is going to be a rough week (at least they said we would hear within one week.)


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The only program I applied to had 8 applicants attend their "recruitment day" yesterday (though they invited 10), and apparently they only have funding to take 2 of us. That was some crushing news, and the salt in the wound was that 2 of the 4 admissions committee members apparently didn't even read my application materials. One just straight-up said he didn't get anything for anyone and needed me to summarize it all (in a half-hour interview that started 5 minutes late and during which he kept interrupting me and going on long-winded tangents), and the other seemed very surprised to learn information that is on my CV. 


I feel your pain. I've been really angsty and kind of angry since I got home last night. Don't know how I will last until they get back to us late next week, especially since I work as a junior scientist in the same department and see these people daily... Crying in the corner and randomly lashing out at inanimate objects seems pretty appealing right now. 

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