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Ohio State vs. Michigan State

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Does anyone have anything to say about these two programs? I wouldn't mind going to either one, which is making my decision harder. I feel like Ohio State might have a better program structure, but I haven't had the chance to visit. I've been emailing some professors, but that's about it. On the other hand, I visited Michigan State and really liked it. Does anyone have insight as to which program I should pick?

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I know nothing about Michigan State, but I got my MA at Ohio State and will probably be returning in the fall for my PhD (I'm still waiting on a couple waitlists). I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about the program here or via PM. It's a very good program, and if I know more about your interests, I can tell you more specifically what about it might be good for you.

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I would be very wary of committing the next several years of my life to a place I'd never visited, even briefly. If Michigan State seems like a good fit, I'd lean that way.

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I live in Ohio right now, and I'm moving to Lansing in August. That said, here's what I know:

Ohio State has an extremely competitive (some would say mean and back-biting) program. I know three or four people who either went there or are going there now, and that is the reputation. The upside is that it's a good program with good faculty, and is pretty highly regarded in the midwest.

If you visited Michigan State, you know the vibe. . . For me, fit was important, and that's why I'm heading north. Maybe I'll see you there, and we can analyze the grad cafe.


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I don't know who you know that told you OSU has a mean and back-biting program, but as a person who spent two years there, I completely disagree with this. If the OP is accepted for the PhD, there is no question that the program is extremely friendly and collegial. I have never heard anyone say anything to the contrary, and at the department's external review that was recently completed, students frequently cited the atmosphere of friendliness and collegiality as the main reason they were happy with the program. If the OP is accepted for the MA and would like to continue on to the PhD, he or she will have to essentially compete with the rest of the cohort when they apply for the PhD, but this process has never seemed backbiting to me. It really depends on the particular cohort.

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All things being relatively equal I'd have to go with Ohio State University.

[Edit] I totally have no idea if that was good or bad advice.

Lets just say my advice was biased and leave it that. Ok, and dishonest. Glad you didn't take it.

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