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Conferences and Papers

Guest butterfly

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Guest butterfly

Don't know if current grad students check this site, but here's a place to list prospective conferences. Also, to the current grad student, when submt your abstract, is it usually on a paper you were already working on, or do you write one specifically for the conferences you;d like to attend.

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Guest liquidmethane

Most conference material is recycled from one event to the next. In fact, a lot of people just take the same poster to several different conferences, if they're around the same time. I would estimate that (in my discipline at least), the turnover time for new material is about 1 year, but for Ph.D. students the topic stays pretty much the same for the last 3-4 years and just gets more and more focused and/or elaborate. Nobody ever starts a new topic specifically for an upcoming conference, but a lot of times you do have a particular conference in mind as a good goal or deadline for finishing some part of the project.

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Will anyone be attending the SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, in early September 2006, at the University of Washington? If so, I hope to see you there :)

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Guest Guest

I'll be hading East in September, to start my PhD, and I am guessing I'll be busy settling down. Really wanted to attend the SIAM Nonlinear Waves conference and present my paper there, but oh well, next time. A friend of mine is going to attend. Are you attending the workshop as well, nate? Have fun! :) It is a good time of the year to be on the NortWest Coast.

I have a couple of other conferences lined up for this summer, and I am already preparing the posters for some and a panel talk for one other. One big conference in Europe next summer, my advisor is planning to invite me to give a panel talk on my project there. Cannot wait! Will then take off to travel around Europe. Oh the joy of conferences!

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Wow! Lots of conferences. What area do you work in? And yes, I'll be attending the SIAM conference - this is an especially easy conference for me to attend, seeing that I live in Seattle :) Also, it's my first conference - I'm a freshman undergrad, and I've just started doing research, so I'm very excited.

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