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MS in CS at NCSU or ASU

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So I've been admitted for the MS in CS at both NCSU as well as ASU. Since both the schools are similarly ranked, I've found myself in a dilemma.


Can someone tell me which school would be better in terms on teaching, job prospects, funding, student life and anything else that comes to mind.


PS: My area of interest is Data Science and Computer Networks.


Looking forward to your responses! :)

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Hey there,


I very briefly skimmed both school's cs pages.  Both have dedicated faculty in your interests.  NCSU does appear to have a much larger department and more research areas.  Having options is always a good thing.  Did you go through all the faculty's areas of research?  You'll probably find out which school is stronger in data science and networks doing that.


I don't know anything about the two cities, can't tell you much about job prospects, funding, or student life.

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