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New USNWR rankings

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1. Harvard U

Princeton U

Stanford U

4. Michigan U

5. Yale U

6. UC-Berkeley

7. Columbia U

UC-San Diego

9. Duke U


11. UCLA

U of Chicago

13. U of North Carolina


15. U of Rochester

U of Wisconsin

17. NYU

Ohio State U/OSU

U of Minnesota

20. Cornell

21. Northwestern U

U of Illinois

U of Texas

24. Texas A&M


26. Indiana U

U of Washington, Seattle

28. Emory U

Michigan State U/MSU

Penn State U/PSU

U of Maryland

U of Pennsylvania

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Here are the 2005 rankings, for comparative purposes

1. Harvard University

2. Stanford University

3. University of Michigan

4. Princeton University

5. University of California Berkeley

5. Yale University

7. University of California

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mangopenguin said:
Do you know the rankings for the individual subfields?


1. Michigan

2. Stanford

3. Harvard

4. Princeton

5. Yale


7. Berkeley

8. WashU

9. Duke

10. Wisconsin


1. Harvard

2. Princeton

3. Berkeley

4. Stanford

5. Yale


7. Michigan

8. Columbia


10. Duke


1. Princeton

1. Stanford

3. Harvard

4. Columbia

5. Michigan


7. Chicago

8. Berkeley

9. Yale

10. MIT

10. NYU


1. Harvard

2. Stanford

3. Michigan

3. Rochester

5. Princeton

6. NYU

7. WashU


9. Berkeley

10. MIT

Sorry, I don't have theory.

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Chicago has lost several good faculty in the past 4-5 years and their more recent hires haven't been that great (outside of stealing Wilkinson from Duke). They're also rumored to possibly be losing some of their heavy hitters this year. A few of their big names are also no longer publishing or doing much research.

I'm speaking only of IR and CP. I don't know anything about American or Theory.

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Thoughts? Chicago seems too high.

Its possible, but who would you rank above them right now. In terms of who would provide the best education in theory, it seems like it would be a wash among most of the top ten programs. So then we are dealing with who has the most cache in terms of placements, and on that count, it does seem hard to put Chicago in the same league as Princeton or Harvard. They probably belong more in the Yale/Berkeley range.

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