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Mercy College

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I'll be attending Mercy as well! The program looks awesome and the faculty is so nice. Do you or anyone know anyone thats currently doing their masters in Speech Pathology at Mercy College? I'm wondering how current students like the program and everything….

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I had a really good feeling interviewing there too…do you know where you'll live? I live about an hour away from campus I'm not sure about the commute…I'm not sure how to make a Facebook page but I would love to join one!!!

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I had a really good feeling interviewing there too…do you know where you'll live? I live about an hour away from campus I'm not sure about the commute…I'm not sure how to make a Facebook page but I would love to join one!!!

try searching MC'16   :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

I was accepted to Mercy and I will definitely be attending in the Fall 2014. I requested to join the FB group that was started. I live about an hour and half away with no traffic from mercy so I'm not sure if i will be commuting or looking for a roommate! Has anyone heard any updates on when orientation/clinic orientation is. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone :) 

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hi! i also live in long island an hour away from mercy without traffic…I'm contemplating the same thing…idk if i will be able to commute or look for an apartment or something…are you going to orientation on may 28th? what part of long island are you from?

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