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Double Major Currently, Deciding to Drop One...but Grad school

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Currently double majoring, but I'm finding some extreme discomfort with my second degree. I've already gotten into grad school, but I was considering dropping the second degree for a few reasons
a. department is unorganized

b. too many requirements that are unnecessary

c. it doesn't directly pertain to what I want to do. 


I've accepted a pretty sweet deal for my M.A. program, and I don't want to jeopardize it. Thoughts on dropping this second major, since (at least I think) it doesn't change any of my accomplishments or application. I'm entering my M.A. program for my first degree (MES). 



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As long as it doesn't interfere with your acceptence into the MA, I don't see a good reason to worry about it. But, double check to ensure that the graduate school isn't requiring you to obtain the double major.

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