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Waiting to hear about assistantships


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I am not quite sure if this is the right forum for this, but it is about waiting, so here it goes.


Between mid-April and the end of April, I applied for several assistantships and at this point have heard back from none of them. The assistantships spread out across different departments, none of which are my own. Is there a certain protocol for hearing back? Or does it very from school to school and program to program? Does not hearing back mean that I was not selected? When would be a reasonable time, if at all, to email these programs to inquire about my status? Going to graduate school hinges upon these assistantships and if I don't get one, I will likely have to defer. The sooner I know the better so I can start planning for next year. It has been total silence from all these assistantship positions and I am worried. 


Any insight would be appreciated.

Edited by Porshyen
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In my experience not hearing back meant I didn't get the assistantship but that definitely isn't true for every school and department. Since its been about a month I think it's reasonable to send an email now!

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