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Help with recommended experience


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I am a non-traditional student that 10 years ago completed a B.A. in Management.  Two years ago I began slowly taking the necessary prerequisites to attend veterinary school.  I've come to realize that being a veterinarian is really not what I want to do with my life.  I am drawn 100% towards public health with my major interests being in epidemiology, global disaster management and infectious disease.  


I have been trying to determine what I need to do in order to get accepted into an MPH program.  I have 10 years of experience owning and operating a fairly large business, and a huge amount of hours volunteering and working in primate sanctuaries and in veterinary clinics.  

Could anyone please give me some guidance on what type of experiences are most desired/most necessary to have?  

Any help would be appreciated!

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What type of organization do you plan to work for after getting your MPH degree? Basically there are three sectors: academia, government and non-profit.


If you're thinking academia, you'll want to get some research experience to show that you're truly interested in changing career paths. Between government and non-profit work, infectious disease prevention tends to happen through government initiatives. As an American, global disaster management probably means working for an international non-profit.


It really depends on what you're going for, but try to get experiences that show an admissions committee that you know what you're getting yourself into!

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