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I've Been Accepted Now What...


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I think crochet is a lot easier--I can make a scarf in a few hours. It's nice to knit/crochet little projects because you feel like you've accomplished something. With graduate school, the payoff is so long term, it is sometimes hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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I second rising_star and slow cooked meals.  What I do is spend an hour or so packaging meals in freezer bags and keeping them in the freezer until needed.  Essentially I just remove one of the bags/packages, dump it into the slow cooker frozen and all and set it high.  When I come home in the evenings dinner is done for the most part. 

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Wow, it's a brave decision to go back to school, but good for you!


I second the letting the kids do chores idea - when I was in homeschool, my mom gave me simple things like laundry and cooking and cleaning the house and it really taught me how to be responsible.


I also second the 'me time' idea - do something that's yours and that is not stressful. Read a book, workout, hang out with friends, anything that's fun and relaxing for you. I find that doing zumba or taking hikes rejuvenates me, personally, or having girl's nights with friends. 

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