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East Asian Studies 2015

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Hello everyone!

I have been silent for a while because I accepted a PhD offer quite a while ago and was asked to keep secret. I think it has been long enough and there is no point in hiding anymore. Let's just say the university is in Philadelphia ;)

I am so happy to finally be able to leave Montreal!!!!! (I did my BA at McGill) I cannot wait to live somewhere with NORMAL weather =   = I think I'll go crazy if i have to deal with Montreal any longer

How is everyone doing? I think the American PhD offers are pretty much out? I have a classmates who is waiting for Canadian and British schools and they seem to be slower. 

Is anyone travelling to China this summer?? =)

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Nice work, Ashlee! I'm glad that you landed somewhere you will be happy!


I get the impression that most PhD acceptances for US schools are out now. Campus visit season seems to be upon us, so I'm working double time on my thesis to make up for time lost over the next few weeks.

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Campus visit season seems to be upon us, so I'm working double time on my thesis to make up for time lost over the next few weeks.


I feel this deeply - I'm so close and I just want to be done so I can enjoy my trips! But it's also hard to stay motivated...  :(

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Hello everyone!

I have been silent for a while because I accepted a PhD offer quite a while ago and was asked to keep secret. I think it has been long enough and there is no point in hiding anymore. Let's just say the university is in Philadelphia ;)

I am so happy to finally be able to leave Montreal!!!!! (I did my BA at McGill) I cannot wait to live somewhere with NORMAL weather =   = I think I'll go crazy if i have to deal with Montreal any longer

How is everyone doing? I think the American PhD offers are pretty much out? I have a classmates who is waiting for Canadian and British schools and they seem to be slower. 

Is anyone travelling to China this summer?? =)


So great. Congratulations!!!

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I feel this deeply - I'm so close and I just want to be done so I can enjoy my trips! But it's also hard to stay motivated...  :(


My plan is to use my time on buses and planes, in airports, between meetings etc. to shut off the WIFI, kick my procrastination (thanks, GC!) to the curb, and write, write, write. It's helped me to set goals that I force myself to meet before I get back home--and tell my advisor my plans to give me a bit more incentive to follow through! This week: fully draft chapter 3 of my thesis before I get off the bus in front of my apartment.

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Hello all!

First of all I want to say congratulations to everyone who is hearing back from schools and I want to say good luck to those that are waiting on decisions still (I know there are a number of schools still working on admissions and I also have known a few friends that have gotten into their favorite grad programs off of wait lists ^^). 


For anyone who gotten into Berkeley's East Asian MA - do you know when/how we find out about funding? I'm thinking about emailing in to ask but I wanted to check here first. Similarly, does anyone know about the funding situation at Oxford? 


Any help would be greatly appreciated :-P


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Congratulations to you all have been accepted. I am waiting for a formal PhD rejection from Harvard. No information from Toronto and Arizona State yet, just had a interview with Free University of Berlin.


Somehow a piece of good news is I get accepted by history department at Hawaii U, but the funding information is pending.


Good luck, everyone!

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How are people doing? It seems like the Harvard EALC decisions are out (in addition to the admits). Just learned that I've been waitlisted. 



Are you applying for PhD? I heard that this year there is no pre-Qing historians get accepted by Harvard.


Hope you will get formal acceptance.

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Are you applying for PhD? I heard that this year there is no pre-Qing historians get accepted by Harvard.


Hope you will get formal acceptance.

oh haha! i applied to study the Song-Yuan period and got rejected. i contacted my POI before applying (a historian of the Song) and he said he really liked my qualifications =(

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Congratulations to you all have been accepted. I am waiting for a formal PhD rejection from Harvard. No information from Toronto and Arizona State yet, just had a interview with Free University of Berlin.


Somehow a piece of good news is I get accepted by history department at Hawaii U, but the funding information is pending.


Good luck, everyone!



I am at Hawaii (though not history). Let me know if you have any questions....

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Hey, I'm new to this thread and generally new to gradcafe, so please let me know if I'm not doing anything wrong. 

Firstly, hello to all and it's nice to meet people in this field! Best of luck to all of us.


I just got an offer from Georgetown SFS for Asian Studies MA. I haven't heard back from my other three institutions yet (but those are for more general IR programs) and as an international student with no real sense of how financial aid works in the US, I find myself not sure on how to interpret the package that I've been given.


I've been offered $40,000+ (tuition fees, essentially) and a stipend for internships or language study fellowships.

My impression from the relatively little I know about American graduate schools, and a DC one at that, is that this is not a bad offer, but can people please tell me more or put this in context? I would also love to hear from anyone who's been accepted by SFS, if there are any of you out there on this forum :)

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Sukasa, Georgetown's M.A program is incredibly generous to offer you that package! Most North American M.A. programs, even the top top Ivy League ones, giving no funding at all to most M.A. students. 


I just got my acceptance from Harvard RSEA!! =) Such a great honour. I kind of lost confidence in myself when Berkeley MA rejected me early on lol. I guess fit is very important!

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Actually, it might be too late for me to consider a M.A. program at this point. I already slacked so much this semester that my grades won't be stellar =/ Does your final semester's grades matter if you are applying from MA to PhD???? 

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Sukasa, congrats on your acceptance to Georgetown. It's a really strong program and you are lucky to receive a tuition waiver. When you say you will receive stipends, does that mean you would have enough money to live? Even with a tuition waiver, I imagine living in the area of DC would be rather expensive. Expensive enough that, without stipend support, you might go $40K in debt over the course of the program just trying to live.


This is totally off-topic, but can we start calling tuition waivers what they are? Monopoly money. It says so much about academia that tuition waivers are considered "income."


Congrats, Ashlee. When you say it's too late to consider an MA, haven't you already accepted a PhD offer?

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Hey, I'm new to this thread and generally new to gradcafe, so please let me know if I'm not doing anything wrong. 

Firstly, hello to all and it's nice to meet people in this field! Best of luck to all of us.


I just got an offer from Georgetown SFS for Asian Studies MA. I haven't heard back from my other three institutions yet (but those are for more general IR programs) and as an international student with no real sense of how financial aid works in the US, I find myself not sure on how to interpret the package that I've been given.


I've been offered $40,000+ (tuition fees, essentially) and a stipend for internships or language study fellowships.

My impression from the relatively little I know about American graduate schools, and a DC one at that, is that this is not a bad offer, but can people please tell me more or put this in context? I would also love to hear from anyone who's been accepted by SFS, if there are any of you out there on this forum :)


Sukasa, seems like I'm in a similar position.


Also admitted to MASIA with the same funding scheme. It is an almost unbeatable deal in context of this league of programs as well as MASIA- my friend who was admitted received nothing, bar the summer fellowship which I believe everyone receives.


Having went to Georgetown SFS for undergrad I am hesitant about double dipping, but considering SFS is arguably best for Asia IR (with SAIS holding the top spot for Asia IEcon), it would be hard to justify turning it down unless I got a match or match + stipend elsewhere.

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Sukasa, congrats on your acceptance to Georgetown. It's a really strong program and you are lucky to receive a tuition waiver. When you say you will receive stipends, does that mean you would have enough money to live? Even with a tuition waiver, I imagine living in the area of DC would be rather expensive. Expensive enough that, without stipend support, you might go $40K in debt over the course of the program just trying to live.


This is totally off-topic, but can we start calling tuition waivers what they are? Monopoly money. It says so much about academia that tuition waivers are considered "income."


Congrats, Ashlee. When you say it's too late to consider an MA, haven't you already accepted a PhD offer?

I have a PhD offer from UPenn. It's definitely the easiest way out and me and my adviser's interests match really well, but the Harvard RSEA also sounds so tempting because Harvard is just so good for premodern China studies. What do you guys think? =)

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Thanks for the input, and congratulations to all of you with offers :)


iowahoya, you and I have pretty much applied to the same places- the only difference is that I applied to GWU's International Affairs program instead of Yale. I personally think it's very unlikely I'm going to get anything that matches or betters the offer I've been given from Georgetown, so definitely giving it a lot of thought... Do you know whether the program takes any TA/RAs? The MASIA page is really quite lacking in info compared to some other programs...


yytk, the stipend I think is something limited to the summer holidays, and my guess is that it's offered to all students regardless of tuition waivers. I agree that living in DC will be expensive, and yes, once the money is spent on tuition it's like you're back to zero. Most of the scholarship cases I've seen though for DC schools have been $20,000 or less, so I'm sort of pleasantly taken aback.

Edited by Sukasa
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I realize now that SFS = School of Foreign Service. It's outside my area of expertise, but I imagine that any funding at all (even tuition waivers) are outside the norm. Unlike the rest of us that face a humanities job market, Georgetown SFS would probably be a wise investment even at 40K.



I have a PhD offer from UPenn. It's definitely the easiest way out and me and my adviser's interests match really well, but the Harvard RSEA also sounds so tempting because Harvard is just so good for premodern China studies. What do you guys think? =)


I think I'm confused because I thought you had accepted UPenn's offer. If you haven't, no worries. If you have told them that you will attend, however, that's a much trickier situation. It would burn a big bridge (in a small field), and not perhaps for the best reasons. Word travels fast and never gets better as it goes. Going back on a PhD offer from UPenn to attend Harvard's PhD might be justifiable (even if those connections at UPenn would be strained moving forward), but choosing the MA only to reapply in a season or two could be a major risk.

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Hello out there and congrats to all of those with good news! 
Did any one else on here apply to UT's Asian Cultures and Languages PhD program? I would love to talk to someone else who is also considering it...I'm really torn between this and Berkeley's program. So if any one is in the same boat please contact me!
again congrats and good luck to all!

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Hello out there and congrats to all of those with good news! 

Did any one else on here apply to UT's Asian Cultures and Languages PhD program? I would love to talk to someone else who is also considering it...I'm really torn between this and Berkeley's program. So if any one is in the same boat please contact me!

again congrats and good luck to all!


Congratulations! And quite the happy and enviable position to be in. 


Thanks for the input, and congratulations to all of you with offers :)


iowahoya, you and I have pretty much applied to the same places- the only difference is that I applied to GWU's International Affairs program instead of Yale. I personally think it's very unlikely I'm going to get anything that matches or betters the offer I've been given from Georgetown, so definitely giving it a lot of thought... Do you know whether the program takes any TA/RAs? The MASIA page is really quite lacking in info compared to some other programs...


yytk, the stipend I think is something limited to the summer holidays, and my guess is that it's offered to all students regardless of tuition waivers. I agree that living in DC will be expensive, and yes, once the money is spent on tuition it's like you're back to zero. Most of the scholarship cases I've seen though for DC schools have been $20,000 or less, so I'm sort of pleasantly taken aback.


And congratulations to you too, Sukasa! I have to agree with the others in saying that your financial package sounds super generous for an MA, especially in IR---many years ago I applied to and was accepted to Tufts Fletcher MALD and the Geneva Graduate Institute, but I only received a penny drop in aid from Fletcher and nothing from Geneva. 


In addition to looking at on-campus jobs, I'd suggest that you also look at part-time positions in and around DC at embassies, government organizations, as well as non-profits and think tanks---I know that the market there is pretty competitive, but I also do know that many organizations have positions specifically for students and the connections established could lead to job opportunities, references and/or recommendation letters. 

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Thanks for the input. The situation with UPenn is that my advisor said he mostly will be able to get full funding for me (I need extra funding bc I don't have a MA) but there hasn't been a formal offer or package yet. UPenn seems to have some financial trouble this year and they need to work to get students funding. If they get me the funding I'll take it but at this point i still need back ups and am exploring other options in case the offer and financial package don't come through

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