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I currently have a 4.0 GPA. However, I goofed on a non-credit course, and rec'd a C in it. Although it won't factor into my GPA, it will show up on my transcript. The course was a 1-hour "English Seminar" - I will be taking it two more times before I graduate for credit (I anticipate getting an A in them) as required by my BA in English degree plan. Therefore, my transcript will show that I took the seminar a total of 3 times, once (with a C) for non-credit, twice (hopefully with an A) for credit.

All that to ask, how much is that C in English Seminar going to interfere with getting into a top Creative Writing graduate program?



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Probably not at all.

At this point it's probably not going to be your grades that matters. They're good, so now you need to move on to other things and make sure they're as good.

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just never mind :) you have a 4.0 gpa, which is top of the class. so why do you care a "C" too much? my undergrad is 2.92 :roll: while i have 3.87 in MA. you will be competing with applicants like me!? probably they will be out of the pool when they see yours! come on! :P

ps: nevertheless, make it A :)

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