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Summer expectations?


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I will be beginning a PhD in chemistry.

After being extended an acceptance letter (only applied to one school ha ha. But I guess if you konw where you want to go, there's no need in trying others, right?). Back to topic....

They offered me to come this summer (June 1st) to take an early rotation and get a feel for the lab and be less overwhelmed when fall comes around with class and TA'ing. I felt that this was a good opportunity and agreed to do so. However, now that I'm about 2 weeks away, I'm curious as to what will be expected out of me and/or how it works in the summer? I know the best idea would be to email group members/professor which I have already done. He said I will be working alongside other members and assist on an already on-going project.

I know I won't be expected to know how to do everything initially when I get there, but what WILL be expected out of me? How many hours will I likely be in the lab per week? I understand summer is probably one of the best times to get work done (since there are no classes or things of that nature), and I also know that work time will vary from group to group. If you had to take a guess, what do you think I can expect time committment wise? Will I sort of ease into it? Or will it be monday morning and start in 10 hrs/day? Since it IS like a 1st rotation, I'm assuming it will be quite a bit per week, but will it be MORE since it is in the summer?

I still feel I made a good choice to get acquainted with my group/professor some more in the summer as well as prepare myself for my upcoming years. I'm just nervous for the fact I'm not sure what is actually going to be expected of me upon arrival!

If anyone can offer any advice or input, it would be appreciated! As mentioned, this will be a chemistry program. Thank you!

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I'm in a similar situation. I'm going early to start working on various projects that are going on in the department. I don't know what the expectations are, but it's interesting that they like students coming early before classes to do some work. The stipend kicks in early, too. Not bad, right? :)

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