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Advice please!

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I wanted to know if anyone knew of any good Medical Anthropology PhD programs that may give the opportunity to do a dual degree in Public Health? I've searched a few so far, but I know some anthropology departments have strong offerings in medical anthropology, although they do not have a medical anthropology program or focus. I will be applying in the Fall, but so far, my list includes Emory, University of Alabama, University of South Carolina and UNC-Chapel Hill. I also wanted to know if any one had pros and cons about the programs I have picked thus far. Any advice would be great! Thanks!

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I don't know if it's very strong, but Case Western Reserve University offers a dual degree and they have some interesting opportunities for interdisciplinary study.

I have a friend that did the MPH program at Emory with a year fellowship within the anthro department. There was no degree associated with the fellowship, so she thought the anthro students were getting a much better deal with their extra year of study.

I wouldn't rule out programs just because there's no formal joint program or formal medical anthropology program. One thing I would look for is if professors have received funding from sources like NIH for medical anthro projects. That's often a good gauge in my experience of people that might have the expertise to help start a career in medical anthro research, if that's what you're after.

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