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Emailed professor with wrong information


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Today I emailed a history professor about my interest in their program.  However, when addressing the professor's research interest I mentioned something that their research is not entirely focused on.  The professor researches women's pop culture and labor movements in 20 century America.  I mentioned the professor doing work on sexual and reproductive health and access.  The professor does teach a class on the history of desire that deals with some of my own research topics that I mentioned.  I sent a second email apologizing for (a) needing to send it and (B) to clarify what I meant and the ways that I understood the professor's research interest.

I am very nervous that in doing this I have ruined any chance I had of getting into the school.  I am well aware that my mistake looked bad, but I am hoping to have repaired some of the damage.  How bad does this look and how much will it affect my chances of getting in?  ( I know there is no magic "chances" formula, I'm just looking for opinions.)



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Don't worry about it -- everyone makes mistakes. I really doubt any academic would use this event will cause you to go from the "accept" pile to the "reject" pile, unless they are some unreasonable person that do not want a student who can make mistakes. 

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