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Penn GSE Fall 2015


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I just spoke with an admissions rep, and they stated they are in their final stages and we should hear back by the end of next week if we are invited to the PhD interview weekend.


Thanks SO MUCH for the additional info!  Maybe that means EdD invitiations will be the week after that.  Fingers crossed!

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Well, there goes any wishful thinking on my part that I would hear back this week!  On to week 6...

I'm so sorry! I know it's disappointing, but I bet it will be worth the wait (ie, good news when it comes). Even though I submitted my app in late September, I knew it would be months before I heard (because it's a doctoral program); I know you, on the other hand, have been expecting an answer for several weeks now. If it's any consolation, I haven't seen any Penn GSE results on the results page, so I think they probably haven't made any decisions yet. On other words, perhaps no news is good news! :) Hang in there!

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I'm so sorry! I know it's disappointing, but I bet it will be worth the wait (ie, good news when it comes). Even though I submitted my app in late September, I knew it would be months before I heard (because it's a doctoral program); I know you, on the other hand, have been expecting an answer for several weeks now. If it's any consolation, I haven't seen any Penn GSE results on the results page, so I think they probably haven't made any decisions yet. On other words, perhaps no news is good news! :) Hang in there!

*In other words

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I'm so sorry! I know it's disappointing, but I bet it will be worth the wait (ie, good news when it comes). Even though I submitted my app in late September, I knew it would be months before I heard (because it's a doctoral program); I know you, on the other hand, have been expecting an answer for several weeks now. If it's any consolation, I haven't seen any Penn GSE results on the results page, so I think they probably haven't made any decisions yet. On other words, perhaps no news is good news! :) Hang in there!


Thanks  ^_^


It's not even the fact that I'm still waiting (because I'm still waiting to hear from two other programs I applied to).  But they had said decisions for my program were made in 4-6 weeks, and many times, even less than that.  So I got my hopes up!!  But you're right, I haven't seen any GSE masters results on the results page.  I did, however, see a PhD interview invite, I think! So I'm sure yours is coming soon as well!

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I saw that someone posted Penn on the results page today. It was for phd in Ed policy. Bummer---that's my area.

I just saw that, too! I don't think all invitations go out at the same time, so don't get discouraged yet.

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Thanks  ^_^


It's not even the fact that I'm still waiting (because I'm still waiting to hear from two other programs I applied to).  But they had said decisions for my program were made in 4-6 weeks, and many times, even less than that.  So I got my hopes up!!  But you're right, I haven't seen any GSE masters results on the results page.  I did, however, see a PhD interview invite, I think! So I'm sure yours is coming soon as well!

I TOTALLY understand. I am the same as you: I get thing done early and sit and stare at the calendar! I think your preparedness is going to pay off. That doesn't make it any easier in the meantime, though!

I think invitations for EdD will go out a week or two after PhD, so I'm thinking end-of-the month before I hear anything. I'm spurt happy for the poster who got his/her invite--looked to have stellar credentials. Mine are not nearly as strong, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. I've gotten in to one program already, so I can only be grateful at this point. :)

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I TOTALLY understand. I am the same as you: I get thing done early and sit and stare at the calendar! I think your preparedness is going to pay off. That doesn't make it any easier in the meantime, though!

I think invitations for EdD will go out a week or two after PhD, so I'm thinking end-of-the month before I hear anything. I'm spurt happy for the poster who got his/her invite--looked to have stellar credentials. Mine are not nearly as strong, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. I've gotten in to one program already, so I can only be grateful at this point. :)

*spurt--super (Must. Stop. Using. Phone.)

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I know someone applying to PhD Ed Linguistics who has already received an invite yesterday.

Good luck to everyone!

Thanks for the additional info! If you happen to know, was the invite made by email, or did your friend have to log in to the app system to find out? Although I've checked both, I'm still holding out some hope that EdD invites will come a week or two later. Congrats to your friend!

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Thanks for the additional info! If you happen to know, was the invite made by email, or did your friend have to log in to the app system to find out? Although I've checked both, I'm still holding out some hope that EdD invites will come a week or two later. Congrats to your friend!

Two emails were sent out (one invite and one about logistics) and they called on the phone as well

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Two emails were sent out (one invite and one about logistics) and they called on the phone as well[/quot

Wow, sounds so thorough...but I'd expect that from Penn! Thks for all the info and congrats again to your friend!

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Thanks for the thread! I also applied PHD Edu Policy. Good luck to all of us ;)


Welcome!  I think we are all waiting with baited breath.  My guess is that PhD invites go out the third week of January (plus/minus several days/a week), and EdD invites go out a week or two after that.  I have nothing empirical to back up this estimation; I'm only basing it on past Penn GSE Admissions blog entries.  I'm hoping someone who is a part of this thread will get some good news; everyone seems so deserving!  Good luck!

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Welcome!  I think we are all waiting with baited breath.  My guess is that PhD invites go out the third week of January (plus/minus several days/a week), and EdD invites go out a week or two after that.  I have nothing empirical to back up this estimation; I'm only basing it on past Penn GSE Admissions blog entries.  I'm hoping someone who is a part of this thread will get some good news; everyone seems so deserving!  Good luck!


Oh man that means we could potentially start hearing back this week or next!  So nervous but looking forward to the results, good or bad!  I don't want to wait any longerrrrrr

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someone posted today on results search that they got an interview offer last Friday. wish they'd said what division! I just want to know if it's time to stop holding out hope. the waiting game is awful!

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I think it said PhD/Ed Policy; is that what you mean by division?  I saw one other posting today: PhD/Linguistics, but I am not sure if that program is housed in the school of ed. 


Typically, GSE Admissions blog posts something confirming that all invitations have gone out, so I have been checking the admissions blog pretty regularly, as well.  So far, I haven't seen such a post, so I'm still holding out a little hope.  :) 

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there are now two posts on results search from Penn GSE PhD applicants. both got the interview invite on Friday, but one posted on Friday and one just posted today. the one who posted Friday did say Ed Policy; the one who posted today just said Education, but didn't specify what program.


I've also been checking the admissions blog more often than I'd like to admit, haha. keeping hope alive!

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