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Listing courses on CSDCAS

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I'm working on putting in my coursework info for CSDCAS and had a few questions:


- For the 'Course Title' field, do I need to put exactly what is on my transcript even if it's an abbreviation? For example: transcript says "Hon Hum Sem in Wrt", but the full course title is "Honors Humanities Seminar in Writing". Which should I put?


- Do you create a separate term for AP scores? Or include them in your first freshman term?


Any advice is appreciated!

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I'm not sure about AP classes, but I went with the abbreviations, although my application was for the school I'm currently attending so they knew what most meant. With that said, the entire title of the course you used as an example probably won't fit in the space they provide. You can maybe alter it so its more understandable, I think I did that for one class and CSDCAS people still took it. 

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I paid to have them do it, and they abbreviated as it was on transcripts.  Think that's good. Here are the instructions from CSDCAS on AP


"If you received credit for the College Board AP Exam, list these courses under your first term at the institution which awarded you the credit. Your grade is “CR” for “Credit” and the course type is “Advanced Placement.” If no course prefix or number is issued, you may put “N/A” for “Not Applicable.” If you simply received college credits for a course while a high school student and did not take the AP Exam, these courses are dual enrollment, NOT advanced placement, and should be reported as if you were a student at the college." (https://portal.csdcas.org/csdcasHelpPages/instructions-and-faq/academic-history/coursework/index.html)

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