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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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On 2/12/2016 at 11:04 AM, PhDerson said:

this program is basically a waste of time and money.  The Dartmouth reputation really doesn't extend to this non-degree.  I attended the program and definitely regret it.  The classes are a joke and fail in comparison to regular Dartmouth undergrad or grad school courses.  Had some friends who went on to PhD's - but I believe they could have and would have anyway without this aimless pit stop.  aside from the cost, disregard by the academic community, uselessness of the degree and cost (did I mention the cost?), basic lack of admission standards - the worst part is that you don't graduate with a group of like minded peers in a professional track, you are a herd of cats.  useless. Either get into a real master's program in a subject or don't go to grad school.  Whatever you do - don't do this program (OR ANY other MALS program at any school in the world). 

I ended up going for Boston College instead - I quite like the phrase of "a herd of cats". 

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2 hours ago, erosanddust said:

For some reason, I remember one with admission statistics on it (eg. x number of admits out of y number of applicants). But thanks for the funding one -- another great resource! :)

You can look up programs on petersons.com. A lot of programs list their admissions statistics, but some do not.

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