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Is this an interview or actually just a visit?


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I was invited to visit Duke for a "visitation event." I was promised the chance to meet potential faculty advisors but there was no mention of a formal interview and the program (PhD ece) makes no mention of interviews in the application process on their website. The schedule for the event is mostly social activities and tours. While I know that I should treat it as an interview (as I have not yet been admitted) in wondering if this is a good sign that I will likely be admitted or if this is just the next step in the review process. Has anyone experienced a situation like this? It seems like I received the invitation quite early (about 3 weeks after applying) for it not to be a sign that my application was strong.

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Sometimes it is an "informal interview", where they will still be evaluating you during your visit. However, I would take it as a very good sign because they would not pay for you to fly out there for nothing. I know that in my field, many schools are starting to do their prospective student visits in this way so that they can get one last screening in case there is a student that is completely different in person than on paper. Thus, I would guess that they want to admit almost everyone they invited, but want to have one last check. 


But since you don't know for sure, it would be safest to not assume you are admitted. Don't go overboard to try to impress them, but just be your best professional self :) Have fun!

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It is definitely a good sign but nothing is guaranteed, Flaco12. Also, you don't say whether or not this is a trip where they're paying you to come visit or if you'd have to pay. If they're flying you in, housing you, and providing meals, that's a good sign in terms of admissions. But, as already mentioned, nothing is guaranteed.

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Thanks for the replies, that's kind of what I figured. What do you think my chances are of getting funding for a PhD in ECE with these stats:

GPA: 3.6 (3.55 in major) from large state school

GRE: 163Q 161V 4.5AW

2 years research in field of choice with no publications but we are working on a project that will be published soon (but not before the decision is made)

1.5 years research in somewhat related field with one publication (coauthor) in IEEE transactions

3 summer internships at large defense contractor

3 good LORs from my supervisors at each of these experiences

Edited by Flaco12
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