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Help/Advice: Conflicting Messages


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Hey everybody,


I applied to a program and have been in regular contact with the PI I applied to work with for the past few months. Through my conversations, a scheduled phone call with both the chair of the doctoral studies and the potential PI resulted for this upcoming Monday. This program does not do formal interviews, and the potential PI told me to treat the phone call like an interview. Today, however, I received a rejection email to the program...I'm so confused.


I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Do I continue with the phone calls? Do I assume the email was a mistake? Do I inquire about it during the phone call? Help!

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I don't know what program you're in, or what the general protocol is for this sort of thing.
Since it's Friday afternoon, you may want to call or email the person who sent you that rejection email. If the graduate coordinator was the sender, it's possible s/he hit the wrong button and the email was in error. Either way, if you contact that person now, you may still get an answer before Monday.
If your PI regularly replies to email, you may want to ask him/her instead. 
I hope this all resolves for you! Good luck!
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