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Hello everyone,

I have applied for MS program in computer science at a good school, and I have recieved an offer (Spring 2014). However, I've applied to another school away better than the first one, but its admission decisions may not come out soon. So, I'm supposed to accept the first offer before getting a reaponse from the second school. My question is: what are the consequences of declining an offer I've already accepted?

I'm a little confused about deferring offers! Does it mean that I accept the offer and delay starting my course? or does it mean I have some time to make a decision to accept or decline the offer + delay starting my course?

I'd appreciate your help and advice.


Can't you ask them for an extension on your decision deadline? I've heard it is pretty common. The withdraw policy seems to change from place to place, but this information should be in your offer letter. For example, the offer  I got specifies that I can withdraw my acceptance within 14 days of them receiving my email taking the offer.


I sent an email to ask them three days ago, but they haven't answered yet!

I don't think they can give me an extension considering that my offer is for Spring 2015.

I haven't found anything about the withdrawal in the admission letter. I found this in my letter: "New students may register beginning Friday, February 13, 2015". Also, they asked for a deposit by February 28, 2015. Doesn't asking for a deposit mean they expect some students to withdraw after accepting their offers? I'm wondering!

Thank you Feanor for your reply.


Deferring an offer means that you accept but will wait a determined period of time (typically a year) before beginning the program. By deferring you are committing to the program, just not starting immediately. Although you're not necessarily legally or contractually bound, if you back out after deferring it will look very, very bad. Typically you defer an offer to find funding, for extreme family/personal circumstances, or to take advantage of another short-term offer or fellowship in the meantime. Deferring is not guaranteed and typically needs to be approved by both the chair of the department and the dean of your graduate school.


LKS, thank you. Your reply is helpful.

This situation is driving me crazy! I really want to get the best opportunity without looking very bad!

I hope the second school send its decisions soon!

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