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Not sure how to proceed with decision deadline given pending decision letters

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This is my (and my family's) first time going through the American/European application process, so I am not sure as to how the complete process works and what to do at this point.


Firstly, I have received a decision letter from University Of Pennsylvania which is asking me to take a decision before date X, and to submit a deposit to reserve my seat in the program. The exact language is:


In order to reserve your place, complete the Decision Form online and submit the non-refundable $Y acceptance deposit by X.... After X, this offer of admission remains valid but your place in the class cannot be guaranteed and you will be unable to confirm your acceptance until after the final master's application deadline.



Q: Is this the standard official letter language? Do I really lose my place if I don't accept before Y?


Now, my indecision at this point is due to two of my applications having a decision timeline 1-1.5 months after X. I am hoping for significantly better offers from at least one of the remaining two, however I can't be too sure (obviously). I have submitted 4 applications total, and I wouldn't want to lose this chance.


So, options that I see here are:


-- Accept now, wait till March, if I get a better offer, accept that and inform UPenn at that point.

Q: What repercussions may I expect in the future? I may end up applying for a PhD later on to UPenn, irrespective of current decision. 


-- Decline. Wait. 

I don't want to lose an offer in the hope of something that may not come.


-- Accept now and stick with it. 

The program is pretty good. However. financially, I will be leaving the school with a big loan, which pretty much kills any chances of doing a PhD as I will have to most certainly take up a non-academia job to pay it back. The other schools (if I'm accepted) should offer better financial aid/support than UPenn.


Are there other options? What should I do?




The programs are two MS, and remaining two MSE. I intend to a PhD immediately after.

Edited by ashrj

If this is a PhD program and the date they set for you is before April 15th they can't do that. You have until April 15th to make your decision. Now that being said, I'm not really sure how you handle a school that is telling you to respond before then without coming off as belligerent. Anyone else have any thoughts on that?


But I would strongly advise against accepting the offer and then declining later. That will give you a bad name in your field and it's just generally frowned upon


Most people first try and get an extension. If it is not April 15, you might want to send the adcom an email explaining that you are still waiting on other results to come in to make an informed decision and if they could give you an extension.

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