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Hello, while this may not the most timely of posts, I was wondering if anyone had insight into the New School Sociology program. I have heard that they don't really fund many students and that it is a "bring your own money" school. Is this correct?




It's partially true... funding is super competitive from what I understand, but certainly not impossible.  There aren't really any straight soc TAs from what I've heard, so funding comes primarily in the form of grants for which you apply and/or compete.  I would caution you against going there unless it's something that you really want (i.e. it's exactly the program that you're looking for with access to the types of workshops etc you seek).  Bear in mind that most people admitted to the NSSR are admitted as Masters students these days and after Masters may apply for PhD candidacy.  I think most people get through by adjuncting at other universities which tends to stretch out the length of their stay within the program.


I have my MA from there in politics and I know this is diff b/c I'm reapplying there within my own dept (mainly b/c they have faculty close to my interests and I'm already halfway to the phd credit-wise, so figured it was worth a try). I didn't get into the phd program when I "applied internally" a they call it due to some academic difficulties related to my mom dying while I was in the program. But everything coindinista says I've found true in my dept and my best friend there and another close friend of hers were in the sociology dept ma program. Granted they were foreigners and had assistance from a university in their home country, one actually is now slowly finishing his phd, while the other went back to her country and doesn't want to do the phd at nssr.  But I also know a couple other americans who were in the sociology ma program at nssr with them and they are now at other large public university phd programs now b/c of the funding probs at nssr.

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