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Back through this again. I found the feedback and coordination here to be very helpful last year, so I'm starting a new thread for this year. 


For URTAs, we can't even hear anything until February 16, but I'm still obsessing about it already.


This year I only directly applied to USD. I also participated in URTAs and Satellites in NY. I think my auditions went well, or as well as one could reasonably hope.  I did fine and that's all I can control. 


From URTAs I was called back by Indiana, Temple, and WVU. At Satellites I was called back by UGA and Catholic University of America. I was called back by other schools too but they weren't a good fit for me. I also auditioned for Case Western/Cleveland Playhouse as a walk in. 


Anyone else?






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Just USD for me, but I already mentioned that in the other thread. :)


I'm not at the freak out stage yet, but I can feel it creeping on. I'll get there in a week when USD finishes their audition tour. This will be my third time auditioning for them, with really positive feedback each time. Though this time, my audition didn't feel as successful as the previous two, it's possible I'm just trying not to get my hopes up this time around. Only time will tell...


Best of luck to you! I hope you end up having your choice of programs. What a tough career we've chosen, eh? Though I wouldn't have it any other way, I occasionally stop to think about how absurd the life of an actor is - it sometimes makes my head hurt, lol. but it sure is an adventure!

  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone heard from Rutgers/Mason Gross?  I think the BFAs started to hear back, but my graduate status screen still says "No decision."  I didn't submit my application fee until some time after my audition date, though, so that I'm concerned that might hold it up.


Didn't apply there sorry. I've heard back from Temple (no) but omly because I specifically asked. Had a campus visit/audition at UGA last week. Have one scheduled for Catholic University of America later this month (anyone have any thoughts on their program??). Still nothing definite from anyone. If I don't hear back by the end of next week I think I officially start to despair. The waiting is driving me crazy.


Ok, Its March 4th. Is it time to reside to the fact that I may not have gotten in anywhere I auditioned? Do programs send rejection letters or you just wont hear anything? I'm confused. I cannot believe how much this is getting to me.


Alishabond - In my experience, it's still a tad early to lose all hope. March is the month for most MFA programs to send out notices, but all programs are different. If it's a program like Yale or NYU who have several rounds of eliminations, then a lot of people will hear earlier. But so far the results page is almost void of MFA Acting news. I think Yale has sent out initial rejections, and one other place as well - but I can't remember which. If you look at the trends on the results page, most of the "Accepts" happen early to mid-March. Some even later.


What school/s did you apply to? I only applied to the Old Globe/USD program, and I'm pretty familiar with their timeline. They make personal phone calls to the 7 people they accept. Then shortly after that, they'll send rejection letters (3rd or 4th week of March). 


IMUnaware - any news from USD on your end???


I know the waiting is rough. This is my third year of it and I'm surprisingly not stressing out about it. Not quite sure why, lol. I'd understand it if I felt like I either bombed my audition or nailed it - but I feel neither. I actually have NO idea how it went.


Thanks so much for the insight!~ I am waiting on Midwestern schools ( MSU, Kent, University of Iowa, Ohio University) 


Youre right it is complete torture as a matter of fact. I thought it seemed early still. Whoever was running the auditions at URTAS said " you will know if schools are interested in you"....... I think thats what has me in a tizzy because I havent heard anything from any of them. I felt really good about my auditions I went to Unifieds but I tried to go to on campus auditions for the schools I was really interested in.


Do all schools send out rejection letters, I keep thinking no news is good news but I wasnt positive if you heard either way. 


In my experience - I did get a formal rejection from every program I applied to. Most of mine came late March or early April last year (they're recorded in the results section from last year...).


Pretty much what Button said though. This week and next week are probably it unless you get accepted off a waitlist. I have no experience getting an acceptance though so...


Button - no, nothing from USD yet, though I don't feel great about my audition so I expect to get the letter again in about a month.  


Alisha - click on the "results page" tab at the top of the page. It will direct you to a list of people who have posted whether they've been accepted or rejected, what program/school, and when. There are a lot - most of them not theatre or arts related - so I recommend searching "MFA Acting" or for whichever school you've applied to. It helps to know if anyone has heard anything yet - but not everyone shares, so...it's not 100% reliable. Still, I've found that it helps.


I did hear from one school after inquiring. It was my number 1 school but they only 3 females every three years so at that point who knows how they choose . I have very little hope left, but I'm trying to be ok with it....so frustrating! What's the secret?! Haha


Ha I wish I knew! The waiting is agonizing. But the good news is, regardless of outcome, it'll be over soon and we can all move on with our lives. :)


Best of luck to you though, and remember that an MFA is just ONE of the many paths we can take towards our career goals. It sounds cliche maybe, but it really is true. And with odds like 3 women every few years, it's clearly not the path that the majority of people end up taking. 


No Crap. Its so funny how you think you do everything right......Most schools in the midwest accept every three years.


I did get a reply email yesterday from Ohio University. Not one of their initial offers but only 1 of the 4 has been accepted so still hope there. However, just her kind email and knowing I was not immediately eliminated from consideration makes the whole experience worth it. She was so kind and thorough in her email with positive feedback on my audition. Its good to know that the things I think are most important when it comes to auditioning are noticed. 


That's fantastic, Alisha. Most programs don't offer that kind of feedback. In fact, most don't offer ANY feedback. It's the worst!


Good for you. It seems like you definitely made an impression. And here's hoping you're one of the remaining 3 to get that offer!! MFAs for everyone!!! Lol.


Part of me wants to follow up with the schools I haven't heard back from and part of me feels like if you have to ask you already know...


That may be true IMUnaware, but these decisions can take a while to make. There's a lot that can go into them: reviewing application materials, reference letters, possibly calling and speaking with references, waiting on financial packages to be compiled, etc. Maybe some offers are out, but they're waiting on confirmation before making the rest of the calls...not only that, but they all are probably involved with classes, productions, and showcases with the current MFA students, so they may only be able to dedicate so much time every day or week towards finalizing their incoming class. You certainly could inquire, but a lot of schools discourage contacting the admissions office. Answering calls from prospective students looking for information keeps them from being able to actually do the work they need to do to get all the offers and rejections out in a timely manner. I know it's hard, and trust your judgement on these things of course, but my advice is to wait it out. We'll all hear for sure in the next few weeks.


MFA's for everyone! Probably a little different at schools in the midwest because people aren't DYING to study in freezing cold Ohio and Michigan :) They may have the time to be a bit more personal. I only followed up if it had been a good amount of time since they had heard from me. I want them to know I am serious, but not annoying haha. 


I definitely agree with that. All of the schools I auditioned for discouraged you from applying until you had gotten an offer, So I have always been dealing directly with the department and not admissions. In the email I received yesterday she assured me things are usually not finalized until April.


Haha, well like I said in a previous post, I'm feeling strangely calm about the whole thing this time. It's not like I am not anxious to know, but I am not consumed by it like I was last year and the year before. Lol. It's a little strange...but I prefer it to the alternative. 


Yeah, April seems about right. Also, I think a lot of the URTA schools wait to make offers because they know schools like NYU, Yale, & UCSD have their final callback weekends mid-March and will be making their offers late-March/early-April. And a lot of people will hold out on accepting an offer until they've heard from their top choice school, so that slows down the whole dang process...sadly.

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