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changing/transferring between MFA programs


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Does anyone have any advice on switching between schools mid-MFA? I'm currently enrolled in an MFA program in graphic design but have come to realize that this school isn't the best fit for me. I had been deciding between this school and another back in 2014 and am thinking of re-applying to that other school that I turned down for the next application cycle (while taking a year off) but am terrified that the chances of being accepted again would be close to nil (karma?) and/or that word might make its way back to my department in my home school. Does anyone have any experience or advice on this matter? Would really appreciate it.

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Hi there,


I was in a similar situation in 2013. I had been in a program that was not meeting my needs, and with whom i had a... difference in vision. It was a tough decision, especially financially, since I had not been getting full funding- by leaving then I was basically leaving 20k behind, not to mention the year. The money still makes me bitter, but I think it was for the best. I don't regret it, and look on it as an expensive, cert-less post-baccalaureate.


I would weigh how much you've invested in to your current program vs what you would potentially gain by being at another program.  Is it worth it? I wouldn't rely on getting in to the other school either (though you may still have it!)- diversify your application. Approach it like you're starting over, and do your research in to schools with your new experiences in mind.


Good luck



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