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Just finished Skype interview


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I have just finished my skype interview for PhD program at Univ. of Minnesota. Interview lasted just 20 minutes and was more of a conversation regarding my research interests, background and work being done in the department. I was asked very simple questions and it never felt like I am being interviewed, though I prepared a lot and read about their research in advance. I also asked few questions about the research projects and grad life. The Grad Coordinator told me that he will inform the ad com in 1-2 days about this interview. He finally told that I did good in the interview!!! Should I take it as a positive as it was very informal conversation....I am an International applicant

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It's not just a sign of courtesy, he likely meant it. Unless you directly asked him how you did or otherwise put pressure on him to comment on your performance, I think you're safe interpreting that as a good sign. 

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