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Mediocre GPA from Stanford. Need Advice for Statistics Masters programs


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I graduated from Stanford and have course work in pure mathematics, operation research, Statistics(including graduate courses) and computer science(algorithm, machine learning etc). My problem is I have mediocre GPA of 3.45 and confused about what Masters program I have shot at. Ideally I would like to go to a program where I will have some opportunity to get TAship/RAship. But besides that I would like to know whether I have shots at top programs. 

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I think you should have a shot. Focus on making the rest of your application as strong as possible. Good GRE scores (especially a good math subject score) can help make up for a less than stellar undergraduate record. The pattern of your grades also matters. For instance, having higher marks in your upper-level courses can make up for lower marks in introductory courses, but less so vice versa. The fact that you're coming from Stanford should help.


Most importantly (in my opinion), you need very strong letters of recommendation. Try to reach out to professors who got to know you well and who can vouch for your potential as a masters student. If you can, try to compile a list of instances where you showed such potential during the courses they taught -- anything that can help jog their memory and paint as vivid a picture of you in their letters as possible. See if your letter writers have any contacts in departments to which you're applying.


My cum. undergrad GPA was only slightly lower than yours, but I've managed to obtain offers from some highly ranked PhD programs as well as a funded M.S. offer. I attribute nearly all of whatever success I've had this season to my letters.

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With a 3.45 from Stanford, you should be competitive for admission at basically every Masters program in the country. Funding is another story, however; most MS programs don't offer it.

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