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Google Calendar


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Ok .... So I'm another bored incoming doctoral student ... so I have been playing with google calendar for the upcoming semester ... any tips on things you should definitely include in your monthly, weekly, and/or daily schedule .... example schedules are also welcomed


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I keep three different calendars. One called "Recurring schedule" which is recurring non-special events that take time out of my schedule but are mostly regular things. Events like classes, regular meetings, etc get scheduled on this calendar. Another calendar, called "Task Schedule" contains one-time events, deadlines and get-togethers. Those two calendars are both public and exposed on my webpage so people can find me if they need me. Then I have a third private calendar for personal things where it just schedules blocks of time out on my schedule but doesn't list any details.

During times when I have big projects and work with others I generally also create a calendar specific to that project shared with the other folks involved where we schedule project-related events. I also have another small calendar I share with a group of friends where we schedule social events.

My advisor has four calendars and it seems he has a similar setup where he has multiple public calendars and a personal one. His public calendars are separated into "External", "Teaching" and "Work" calendars.

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I <3 Google Calendar.

school - class schedule and meetings (if you're the type that needs it, schedule your study time)

work - working hours separate from my class and meeting schedule

holidays - school holidays

birthdays - friends' and family members' birthdays

entertainment - special events, concerts, sporting events, etc

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