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Is Spring Break Week Dead for Decisions ?!


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I think many of us are stuck playing the waiting game. Either waiting on decisions or funding we're all in this ugly yucky and may I say unnecessary? space. I figured I'd start this thread to get us through spring break. This of course thinking that the schools and faculty do not meet, but do they!? What are your thoughts. . .

Edited by DaDocStruggle
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Hey, don't forget that spring break varies by school. My masters school and my undergrad school have breaks on different weeks, and I imagine schools on quarter systems have different breaks, too. I actually got my acceptance to my masters program on the first day of my spring break, which was pretty cool. I'm hoping for a repeat of that event with a PhD program.

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@shadowclaw that is very true. I am just starting my spring break, here's to hoping they are meeting next week. And that sounds like the best reason to celebrate on break. I'd love to get some news on Monday morning <-- (hopeful thinking....sigh)

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To demonstrate shadowclaw's point, I still have a week and a day of classes before my Spring Break at my undergrad insitutuion. My undergrad department is trying to have all decisions out before then, so I'd think it's highly possible to hear on your Spring Break if it doesn't line up with the school you are hoping to hear from!

And to add to interesting other things to consider with admissions descions, my Spring Break is also the week of a big biannual confrence in my field so I don't think committees would meet during something like that! To be accepted at that meeting or on break would be great but I don't think it'll be happening for me this year.

Edited by FantasticalDevPsych
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Spring break sounds like a perfect time for adcoms to meet and decide with little disruptions. I am keeping the faith that I will hear great news today, but if not next week while they are on break will be fineĀ  :D

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