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Intro. to Audiology

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Hi guys!


I am struggling and was hoping that someone could help me! I attend a University in MA already, but I am looking to find a school that I can take classes online with this summer. The only requirement I need to get my bachelor's is Introduction to Audiology. I have been trying to find a school still in MA (so I can avoid out of state tuition) that offers an intro. to audiology class online this summer (2015).... if not a school in MA then a school that will allow me to take the class at an affordable price (around $1,000). I am desperate to find a place as soon as possible so I can get the process started. I'm losing hope....


Thank you guys!

Edited by kmw8194
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I checked Utah State but it didn't seem to appear on their online list of courses for the summer. Do they offer it every summer?/Is what they list a definite or could it change once registration opens? Should I contact the University directly?


I'm sorry for so many questions... Just looking for fellow student's opinions.


Thank you for your help :)

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Here is the list of courses offered this summer at USU in COMD: https://rcde.usu.edu/coursesearch/results.cfm?q=comd


I also emailed and asked, you might have to waive the prerequisites (though you've probably taken them, but I didn't, and you won't have taken them through USU) by emailing heather.humphreys@usu.edu after you register. Apparently applying/registering is pretty easy, but you might have to call and confirm with them if they don't get back to you within a couple of days. I haven't done it yet though.

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I hope this doesn't sound snarky, but I'm a big advocate of using the search, and this exact same thread was created only 4 days okay, by neucool... ;)



Shh, you're blowing my cover as to how I'm so knowledgable about this topic  :P

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Longwood University is offering two sections of Introduction to Audiology this summer. It's about $1000 per class. Registering was super easy and everyone is really helpful. I'm in two classes there now, both of which are as good or better than the classes I took at Northwestern.

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