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SAIS Europe vs Josef Korbel

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Hello everyone!

I have a dilemma. To make a long story short, I've been admitted to both SAIS (Bologna campus) and Josef Korbel at the University of Denver. SAIS has always been my dream school (so I'd LOVE to go there) but unfortunately I won't receive any financial aid. I'm not a US citizen so I can't get any federal assistance. On the other hand, I will be able to attend Josef Korbel tuition-free (as a visiting student). I'm pretty conflicted here. Any thoughts/advice? Thanks. 

Edited by awkwardblackgirl
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Honestly, Foreign Policy magazine names University of Denver as having the 11th best Master's program in the world for IR. Sure, maybe you'll have to work a little harder, but there can't be so much difference between no. 11 and no. 2,  can there? Free is extremely difficult to pass up.

If you want to get your PhD or go into academia definitely choose University of Denver.


If you want to work for a big company, organization, or government SAIS MIGHT be worth the investment. 


Link to FP magazine: http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/02/03/top-twenty-five-schools-international-relations/?utm_content=bufferabf1a&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Edited by treegirl109
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This is just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. 


It depends on what you want to do.


If you want to work in academia or eventually get your PhD, I think University of Denver is a better option. 


if you want to work for a well-known or large organization, company, or government, SAIS is the investment I'd make. 


However, it's impossible for me or anyone in these forums to know what your financial situation is like, what other options you might have for next year that your not exploring are... I don't know. Hope this may help a little. 


Thank you so much! You've been very helpful. 


Well, I do intend on getting a PhD afterwards, so Denver might be a good fit. Also, I'm very interested in the issue of refugees and humanitarianism, which doesn't really seem to be a focus at SAIS.


I'm not very familiar with the University of Denver. What kind of reputation does it have?

Edited by awkwardblackgirl
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