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Accepted Oxford BPhil Fall 2015 Thread


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Hi everyone!


This is a thread for everyone who's been accepted to the BPhil at Oxford to come and introduce themselves and share their hopes/fears/dreams/worries. We're all impatiently waiting for funding results to be announced, and I'm sure any info/rumour about them would be greatly appreciated!


I'll start us off by this question: anyone know how many fully funded awards there are for the BPhil? Does the number vary from year to year? My understanding is that there is the Erteguan and 3-5 Clarendon scholarships. 

Edited by kantbook
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Hey, I'm waiting on pins and needles as well. Zero chance I can go without funding, and if it doesn't come through, I'm probably out of philosophy, at least for some time. If anyone had any evidence about the odds they could point me too, I'd be very grateful. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't, but from what I've heard college placement is not announced until ~8 weeks after admissions. Also, leveluptbc, I've found a UK forum, the student room, which has a lot more people talking about this topic. Apparently people who get nominated for the Ertegun get notified mid-march or earlier, and have an interview. And, this is mostly me speculating, but I would think that those who get nominated for the Ertegun but fail to get it have a higher chance of getting the Clarendon. 


In other words, I don't think we have much of a chance. I've reconciled myself to that.  :mellow:

Edited by kantbook
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