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Need Advice...Not Sure What to Think

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After a totally failed attempt at applying to forensic psych PhD programs this year, some my advisers suggested I look into CJ programs instead because they felt CJ was more in line with my interests.


So to learn about programs in criminal justice, I met with the admissions director of a CJ graduate program I am interested in. At the end of our meeting, he told me that he would consider my application for this school's MA program if I could get it to him the next day even though the deadline had passed. I threw an app together, contacted my recommenders, and crossed my fingers. He told me that it shouldn't be long until I heard back since they had already started their review of apps, and that I would also be considered for funding.


That was over a month ago, and I have not heard anything more from that program. The issue is -- earlier this year, I applied to some other MA programs, and I was offered admission.  There is one other program in particular I am interested in, but it is not in CJ. This other program contacted me this week and stated they would like an answer ASAP about if I am attending their program. I don't know what to do because I think if I didn't get into the program I mentioned above that I would attend this program that is asking me for a decision. I have emailed the graduate secretary at the CJ program to see if I could get an idea of where my app was in the admissions process but with no response.


What the heck should I tell this other program? Frankly, I had assumed originally that the CJ director would not have offered to look at my app if he wasn't seriously considering accepting me. But now that it has been awhile I am not sure what to think anymore.


Any advice/input is appreciated. Thanks!

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First, I would contact the director straight away. Since you've talked to him before, you're more likely to get a response than going through the secretary. I would be straight forward with him. You can say that you would like to attend their program, but that you have another offer and need to know the status of your application.


However, the other program should not be telling you they want a decision ASAP. Be polite and tell them you will be in touch as soon as you can, but if they are anything like any other university, you have until April 15th to make a decision.


Best of luck!

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One of the programs I received an acceptance from gave me 21 days to reply. They sent me the letter when 21 days was after April 15, but still, I imagine some schools have different procedures for this.


Like the other reply indicated, I would contact the director and not the secretary. Also, I would not stop at 1 phone call; if you get a voice mail with the secretary (or director) and they don't respond within 24 hours, I would call again because it's an understandably important conversation you need to have. 

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Thanks for the replies everyone! I will be contacting the director if I do not hear back by the end of tomorrow from the secretary. Anyone think it is irrational for me to be assuming the worst since I haven't heard from them and April is looming?

u\rising_star-- There is no funding connected to the MA that wants an answer ASAP. There is possible funding attached to the CJ MA that won't get back to me. That's another aspect that is making this more tricky. :-/

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That [the presence, or lack thereof, of funding] changes the equation by a million percent.


Just because you haven't heard anything doesn't mean you should assume the worst, the school that took the longest to get back to me ended up being the school with the best financial offer [so far, bidding might occur however]. I would definitely be trying to get in contact with the school though as it's late march and you need to decide soon for the other program. 

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So the graduate secretary got back to me. Apparently the adcom still hasn't even made any recommendations to the director. She said it will likely be early to mid April before I hear anything. I have no idea what to think at this point. Is taking this long common for CJ MA programs?

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I applied to two MA/MS criminology/criminal justice programs (CA state schools). One has April 1 deadline so definitely haven't heard from that one. The other had a February deadline and I still haven't heard anything.

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So the graduate secretary got back to me. Apparently the adcom still hasn't even made any recommendations to the director. She said it will likely be early to mid April before I hear anything. I have no idea what to think at this point. Is taking this long common for CJ MA programs?



In my finite experience it's highly variable based on the school and the department within the school. One of the schools I applied for I heard back from within 10 days, another school I heard back from in about 3 weeks. A third school took 7 weeks to reply (February 1st deadline, heard back on March 23).


Not a whole lot you can do I suppose, just wait it out. If you have to make a commitment for other schools before that deadline, I would give them a heads up you are waiting for one still.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I applied to two MA/MS criminology/criminal justice programs (CA state schools). One has April 1 deadline so definitely haven't heard from that one. The other had a February deadline and I still haven't heard anything.


Good to know I am not the only one. Haha. It is 4/10 and I still haven't heard anything. Idk what to do at this point.

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