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CGS-M conundrum (Canadian University applicant)

Jay's Brain

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Hi everyone,


For those familiar with the external funding application at Canadian universities (namely CGS), today is the day (April 1st) that the results are released onto the ResearchPortal website. I've long since accepted an offer from one of the schools that, ironically, did give me a CGS offer. However, my peculiar conundrum is that I've RECEIVED an offer for CIHR at an university that has not officially told me that I've been rejected from their program, but is very apparent that I have (did not have any interviews, was not invited to their Open House in February). 


I was asked if I would consider my alternate option for my discipline of interest in mid-March, but I had verbally declined that with the PI that sent me an email. 


Has anybody had something like this happened to them before? What should I make of it?



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