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Freaking Out


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The school I am applying to has that April 15th deadline and I still haven't heard anything from them! Should I be worried? I contacted the department weeks ago to get a general timeline and all they could say was that I would find out "soon". Super unhelpful. This is the only school I haven't heard from and now I'm starting to question its competence. Should I be freaking out, or is this actually normal?

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I think since the deadline is so close it would be fine for you to contact the school and ask about your status again. Let them know that as the deadline is approaching you are hoping they can give you some information so that you can make an informed decision. 

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You are not the only one who is freaking out right now. Now I have 0 acceptance, 5 rejects, and 3 still no notification (8 total).


I also have zero acceptances. Hope is starting to dwindle and I am starting to feel tired and worn out.  Sometimes I can hardly concentrate on my current studies, or I find myself questioning my own abilities.  I know it's stupid, but I actually sit there and suddenly wonder if I'm even capable of what I am doing.  It is horrible because I realize that I have placed my own sense of self worth into the hands of others, and they have refused to give me the much coveted stamp of approval.

I am getting to the point where I can no longer imagine going through this again next year, that I would rather consign myself to a life without my chosen career than have this happen to me again.

But then they would be right about me, no?


Ughhh.  Keep trodding on.... is all I can do.

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Aaarghh!! Its FOURTEENTH April and they still haven't informed me of some decisions! Nope.. they wouldn't reply to emails either! I'm going bonkers with all the waiting and freaking out! It's one more day of obsessive email checking! Hope all decisions are out before the April 15th deadline..

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Aaarghh!! Its FOURTEENTH April and they still haven't informed me of some decisions! Nope.. they wouldn't reply to emails either! I'm going bonkers with all the waiting and freaking out! It's one more day of obsessive email checking! Hope all decisions are out before the April 15th deadline..


From what I have been told here, it is possible to receive a decision days AFTER the deadline as well.  So just in case we thought our suffering was at an end, nope..... it isn't.

Good luck to you!! I really hope you are one of the lucky ones.

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I also have zero acceptances. Hope is starting to dwindle and I am starting to feel tired and worn out.  Sometimes I can hardly concentrate on my current studies, or I find myself questioning my own abilities.  I know it's stupid, but I actually sit there and suddenly wonder if I'm even capable of what I am doing.  It is horrible because I realize that I have placed my own sense of self worth into the hands of others, and they have refused to give me the much coveted stamp of approval.

I am getting to the point where I can no longer imagine going through this again next year, that I would rather consign myself to a life without my chosen career than have this happen to me again.

But then they would be right about me, no?


Ughhh.  Keep trodding on.... is all I can do.


Please don't lose hope! When I was in undergrad, I talked to several TAs, who were in a PhD program in a great department. Nearly all of them said they had applied 2 or 3 times before they got in anywhere. Several had multiple MAs before they got into a PhD. Admissions are very competitive, and applying while you're in school means your attention was almost certainly divided between your current studies and your applications. I think the best thing you can do right now is stay as focused as possible on what you're doing now, keep your fingers crossed some good news comes your way yet, and if not... what have you really lost? There's nothing wrong with taking some extra time to do something different and apply later. If this is the career you want for the long haul, don't let this hold you back.

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From what I have been told here, it is possible to receive a decision days AFTER the deadline as well.  So just in case we thought our suffering was at an end, nope..... it isn't.

Good luck to you!! I really hope you are one of the lucky ones.


That is so true! I was just informed of this today.  Will it ever end?!  Better yet, will it end POSITIVELY?!

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From what I have been told here, it is possible to receive a decision days AFTER the deadline as well. So just in case we thought our suffering was at an end, nope..... it isn't.

Good luck to you!! I really hope you are one of the lucky ones.

Thanks floatingmolecule! Best of luck to you too.. I hope you get your admissions aand the email arrives for you sooooooooooooooooooon!!

Edited by AlolBalol
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Please don't lose hope! When I was in undergrad, I talked to several TAs, who were in a PhD program in a great department. Nearly all of them said they had applied 2 or 3 times before they got in anywhere. Several had multiple MAs before they got into a PhD. Admissions are very competitive, and applying while you're in school means your attention was almost certainly divided between your current studies and your applications. I think the best thing you can do right now is stay as focused as possible on what you're doing now, keep your fingers crossed some good news comes your way yet, and if not... what have you really lost? There's nothing wrong with taking some extra time to do something different and apply later. If this is the career you want for the long haul, don't let this hold you back.


I keep telling myself - what are a few more years?  I am not really thrilled to continue working in such an intellectually unstimulating environment, but nothing is stopping me from volunteering and taking courses on the side.  Perhaps I can go abroad for half a year and teach English, if I find a position with a stipend.  I should see it as an adventure - since I am waiting, I am essentially free to do what I want.  I am not building up something or committed to anything.  In a way, that doesn't seem tooo bad.  I just don't want to stay like that forever! Lol.

Thanks! Hearing about those TAs just gave me a nice infusion of hope.


That is so true! I was just informed of this today.  Will it ever end?!  Better yet, will it end POSITIVELY?!



Thanks floatingmolecule! Best of luck to you too.. I hope you get your admissions aand the email arrives for you sooooooooooooooooooon!!


Maybe by the end of the week guys?  I will include you in my internal begging regimen where I sit there and say "Please let me get accepted. Please let me get accepted." over and over again like a mantra.  I am not religious, otherwise I'd just send some prayers for us all!

Hope!!!!  And good luck!!

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