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How to ask admissions to expedite review of application? Welp

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Is your top school providing funding? Why not just go with your top choice?


I'm in a similar boat, except I'm waiting to hear back from my top choices. (The schools I don't really care about as much as extended an offer to me with an approaching deadline, but I'm still waiting to hear back from my top 2 choices.)

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I wouldn't actually ask them to review it faster. Instead, I'd email to say you have an offer with an urgent decision deadline, but are still interested in their program. However, only send this if you are actually interested in their program. You did say the offer you have is one of your top choices - are the ones you're waiting on higher on your list?

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The school I was admitted to is providing some funding, but I'm hoping to receive more. 


I asked the 2 other schools to expedite my review, and they both said they'll have a decision this week.


However, the school I was admitted to wants a decision by this Wed. 4/15...I would commit now, but I want to see if I'll get any funding from the other schools. 


GAH. Should I just email the school asking for a week extension? 

Edited by annabee
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That's what I was thinking - the worst they can say is no.


I just need an eloquent way of asking....


Do I bring up other offers? Or can I just simply say I would benefit from more time to make my decision?

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A lot of people on here have asked for extensions in order to make a more informed decision. You could certainly phrase it that way.

Accidentally posted twice... Sorry!

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