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Looking for project and assignment only online MS CS program


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Hi All,

  I'm currently in the Central Connecticut State University Data Mining online masters program and I really enjoy it, no videos or tests.  Just read the books (which are written by the teacher and have a nice breezy style) then do the individual analysis reports.  We help each other in the forum as needed, we're welcome to use each other's ideas if we credit them.  The ratio of learning to time spent is great and fits in well with a job.  Plus my report writing skills have really improved


  After this, I'd like to do a similar MS CS.  The Udacity/Georgia one seems to have growing pains.  Colorado State University looks interesting, but classes are streamed live, so I'd have to find a conference room at work for an hour.  Also for exams, you need some kind of proctor arrangement.  Plus group projects sound like a hassle, lots of coordinating to pick a meeting time, and some students struggle to keep up their end of the work.  


  Does anyone know of an online masters without exams where you just do assignments and projects by yourself and turn in?  Thanks in advance.


Edited by solderguy
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