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what IS considered good work experience for an MPP?


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i imagine for most people it isnt easy to find a job in a government agency doing public policy analysis. so when MPP programs state that a low gpa can be made up in another area, does this mean you had to have been a director for a humanitarian aid group to qualify?

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It appears that more and more, MPP/MPA/IR/government schools are looking outside the government for candidates. A well-rounded class that can offer a diverse set of perspectives and enrich the total learning experience is very valuable, and it seems schools are looking at the non-profit, education, government and private sectors equally.

I don't think you have to be the director of a humanitarian aid group or run an IGO to be a competitive candidate. If you did the Peace Corps, or were a teacher with TFA, or consulted in the non-profit or education sectors, you'd be solid. Even if you have a plethora of private-sector work, you can get in -- but your statement of purpose (SoP) in that case will have to be really tight. Analysis work with a think tank, research with an academic institution, finance or investment work in developing countries (even if you were sitting on Wall Street) -- all equally unique.

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