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What universities can I get with the profile mentioned Below? (Applying for MS in CS in Machine Learning or AI)


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* GRE->320(163 quants 157 verbal)
* AWA->4.5
* CGPA->6.95/10(till 6th semester)
* Papers Published->2(1 in national journal(id3 decision tree algo,incremental learning,online learning),1 in international * Journal(NLP(Glove Word Vectors),ML(Neural Networks TreeLSTMs)))
* Projects->3
* Developed an ecommerce website using python-Django framework and MySql in backend and HTML5,JavaScript and Twitter * Bootstrap3 in frontend.
* GraphIt
I developed a Social Network Analysis Project that does the graph visualizations based on my Facebook friends and their wall counts and also does various decisions based on predefined conditions.
I used Open Source projects like Gephi and NetLogo to do the Graph Visualization.
* Developed a Data Mining Application that uses the Yahoo Weather API to scrap the Web and hence get the weather and its related attributes. I did the project using python libraries:-theano(For Neural Networks),scikit-learn,numpy,pandas and other scientific python(scipy) frameworks and also used  Artificial Neural Networks(Theano) to make the system near to intelligent.
* Am in 6th semester and hence yet to take on the final year project.
Currently I have under taken research intern ship under a professor in my college.Hence will write details about it when I complete the intern ship.
Following is the tentative list of universities that I have prepared for which I would like to know whether they are  mod/ambi for my profile?             
* USA:-ASU,USC,GeorgiaTech,JHU,University of Colorado,Rutgers,Upenn,UIC,University of Minnesota,
* Canda:-UBC(University of British Columbia),Simon Fraser University(SFU).Need more suggestions
Thanks in advance
Edited by Ronnpo
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