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I/O Psychology phD program with a MA in health psych?


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Hi guys,


I was wondering if students with an MA background in health psychology can be successfully admitted into an I/O psychology phD program at another university?


I am from Canada.. any input regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated! I am just curious how this can be done. Like, if it is difficult to change disciplines like that,... etc.



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Hi, I have a friend who attempted the same thing (albeit she completed her MA out-of-country and wanted to pursue cognitive psychology). It is a bit of a challenge to describe why you want to switch disciplines completely, but it's not completely out of the question I presume. If your undergraduate background is relevant to I/O it should still be in your favour. You will need to have a good reason to describe why you wanted to pursue Health Psychology (twist it to how that helps your research interests in PhD), and explain how you can supplement some of the coursework that you missed in your Masters if you go directly into doctorate rather than do another Masters.  


Good luck!

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I would think you would be a great fit in any of the I/O programs that do Occupational Health Psychology research. The NIOSH funded schools are UConn, USF, and Portland State. As a Canadian citizen, I am not sure if you would get the NIOSH funding, but the schools are a start at least. Honestly, I can't imagine an MA in health psychology hurting you at all. In our OHP specialty, we are required to take public health graduate courses.

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