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Chances of getting into Master's SLP from Certificate Program

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I was just recently accepted into CSULA's post-bacc certificate program. In the admissions email, I was warned that, as a full-time student, it would be difficult to apply/get accepted into any of the following year's SLP Master Programs (primarily due to the fact that only 4 pre-reqs would be done at the time of application deadlines). This is a bit of a stressful situation for me since I would really like to jump into a Master's program right after!

Can anyone please please please shed some light on this situation?! If you have any insight, it'd definitely be helpful and less stressful (for me) if you share your experience as an applicant from a certificate/post-bacc program! 


Thanks in advance! :D

Edited by sunflowergarden
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I wanted to do the same exact thing until I was surprised to find out my post-bacc program ran fall, spring, fall so it was impossible.  Here's the deal with 4 classes Master's programs have less opportunity to see how you are as a student in this major, that is why a good number of schools may not even consider you an eligible applicant until you have completed more than that, typically at least 8 (to the best of my knowledge).  The programs that would accept you earlier I think would be programs that would still have you completing pre-req coursework and your acceptance at that point would be contingent upon grades.  Oh and letters from rec will be stronger from comm disorders Professors that have known you a year as opposed to 2 months.  That is a HUGE benefit even if you only take one class with them if you keep in contact they can write you a better letter than any teacher who hasn't given you your first grades yet...they might flat out refuse you this early on as well depending on their personal letter writing parameters. 


That all being said you could try to look into a 3 year masters program and then you will get the jump on the admissions :)  And this is just from my perspective someone out there may know better than me and give you a different response!


Obviously if you have a school in mind that the above roadblocks aren't issues for I understand the desire to start as early as you can!  Good luck!

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I have one classmate that attended CSUN's post bacc that was accepted into the Masters program after just one semester of the four core CD classes and another who was initially wait-listed and then accepted a month or so later. So it is possible, but probably difficult. Do your best to make yourself known to your professors and be a very vocal participant in class. Go to office hours, participate in extra activities and stand out from the crowd!

Best of luck to you! :)

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I applied as a post-bac student with only 4 classes completed and got in everywhere I applied (4 schools, all traditional, 2-year masters programs). However, I didn't complete a specific certificate program, which means I only applied to schools that mentioned on their websites that they accept students with a degree outside of communication disorders as long as those students complete the pre-reqs. I also didn't apply to any California schools (despite being from California) because most of them (1) seem really strict on their pre-reqs and require a bagillion of them and (2) are super competitive. 


Letters of rec were the hardest part. I had one letter of rec from my undergraduate thesis advisor, one letter of rec from my employer between my undergrad graduation and applying, and one letter of rec from a professor for one of my post-bac classes. I only took one class from the COMD professor, but I did very well in his class, worked to create a personal relationship with him, and provided him with folder of my resume and work samples from his class when I asked him for a letter of rec. I wish I could have had letters from additional COMD professors, but I just didn't have the relationship with any other professors to ask for a letter of rec that I thought would be meaningful. 

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I agree that CA schools require a lot more prerequisites to enter into a Master's program. Other schools, especially private schools, may be more flexible or require less prerequisites. Not sure where you want to apply to, but some schools also have where you take the prerequisites in the summer/semester before and then start the Masters program in the fall. This might be a better option since it's already a prelude to the Masters program for that school if they take out of major candidates.

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I applied with only 5 classes complete - 2 from the summer and 3 from the fall. (I'm a returning student, out of field). I took 3 more in the spring and 3 more in the summer, finishing everything I needed including the ASHA requirements. As long as you can detailed a plan for them of how you plan on finishing everything in time you should be good. I guess it depends on the school, but none of mine questioned why I only had 5 complete.

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