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AWA Issue Review


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"The purpose of many advertisements is to make consumers want to buy a product so that
they will 'be like' the person in the ad. This practice is effective because it not only sells
products but also helps people feel better about themselves."
My response:
The statement claims that people buy products to look like the person they see in advertisement. To an extent, I am in agreement with the statement but not fully, also statement claims that it help companies to sell there products.
To start with, the above statment might be true or say will be applicable to some of the FMCG products. FMCG products are those, which are easy and cheap to make and have smaller shelf life. Some of them are toothpaste, deodrants, spray, hairoil, shampoo and many more. Most of the times these products and brands are promoted by various celebrities who look handsome or beautiful and have slim, fit body. Observing them in advertisement we also get motivated or say tempted to buy those products and try to be like them to feel good.
On the contrary, this is not true for products fall in other categories like Heavy Vehicles, Petrochemicals etc. No body will buy a truck just because it was endorsed by a eminent hollywood personality. To  sell a product it should comply with the checklist, people in general have. For example to sell a truck a beautiful, curvey femail model won't help. She may can attract consumer for a time being, but this will not help in selling the product. In the end a consumer will look for mileage of the truck, seating comfort, maitenance cost, capacity to take burden and some additional parameters which he/she might be having in his/her mind.
Also, people who appear in advertisemt can sell products for a time being, but in the end it's the product who's ultimate quality ensures that product will be in demand in future also. That's how some of the brands still exists even after many years, be it Proctal and Gamble, Sony, Gillete, General Motors or any other renowned brand. These brands still exists not because they were or are endorsed by some eminent personality. They exists because of there brand value, there commitement towards buyers. 
In last, again I would say that, I am in agreement with statement but upto an extent. A product becomes a brand because of it's quality and it is this quality which helps these products to get sold, even after so many years.  


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