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As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. Write a response


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Please read my essay give which score is suitable.





As in issue stated , As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. I disagree with this to large extent.​As people evolving more technology we are finding better solutions to some problems which were very complicated in earlier days.


For example Invention of Automobiles-in earlier people are used depend on Horses,Bull-carts for transition,which used to take more time to reach destination (some times days together). But by the invention of cars,Bike,Trains & Flights, it is taking less time to reach destination. While taking less time in transition ,people can use more time to thin about something else.

By invention of mobile, people can talk with anyone in the world just after they about it.But in earlier days by letters it used to take more time to reach the information to destination person and If it is an important information it was a mental tension to the sender till the time it reaches to the person by letter. Now a days we are using video calling facility so that we can see our beloved ones whenever we want & wherever we are in this world.

By invention of Computer we are able to store large volumes of data without using much physical space which used earlier days.And we are doing day to day work in less time by some clicks without having physical & mental stress.


By using this computer for simple calculation ,yes we are losing our thinking ability ,which is really important.


Therefore using & depending on technology to what extent is depends on human beings.

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As in issue stated , As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely not necessarily deteriorate. I disagree with this to large extent. ​As people evolving more technology evolves we are finding better solutions to some problems which were used to be very complicated in earlier days; this frees our minds to think about other problems, rather than reducing the amount we think at all.


For example, before the invention of automobiles-in earlier people are used to depend on Horses,Bull-carts animals for transition transportation, which used to take more time to reach people's destinations (some times days together). But by the invention of cars, bikes, trains & and Flights airplanes, it is taking travel takes less time to reach destination. While taking less time in transition TRANSPORTATION, people can use more that time to think about something else.


Lots of work for you to do, I'm afraid. This might be a three; I'm afraid it might be a two. It certainly isn't a 1, because you answered the question in more than two sentences, but it isn't very fluent. I assume English isn't your first language? Your argument is simple, but pretty solid, so I think the biggest improvement you could make would be to work on the mechanics of your writing. Some pointers, mostly illustrated in my edits above. 1) Learn how to punctuate and capitalize correctly in English. Nouns are not capitalized except for proper names (the names of specific people and places, like Sarah or Australia or Lake Michigan). Commas follow words, not spaces. Not: commas follows words ,not spaces. Also not: "cars,Bike,Trains", but "cars, bikes, trains." 2) Make sure you use the correct words. TRANSPORTATION is an entirely different concept than transition, and it's a big red flag that you used that wrong word not just once, but twice, in one paragraph. 3) Make sure all of your sentences are complete, with a subject and a verb. 4) Where possible, reduce repetition. Half of your essay's paragraphs begin with "By invention," "By invention," and "By using"; that's too much of the same sentence structure. Good luck!

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Please read my essay and give a score.

In surveys Mason City residents rank water sports (swimming, boating, and fishing) among their favorite recreational activities. The Mason River flowing through the city is rarely used for these pursuits, however, and the city park department devotes little of its budget to maintaining riverside recreational facilities. For years there have been complaints from residents about the quality of the river's water and the river's smell. In response, the state has recently announced plans to clean up Mason River. Use of the river for water sports is, therefore, sure to increase. The city government should for that reason devote more money in this year's budget to riverside recreational facilities

It is stated that,in surveys Mason City residents rank water sports (swimming, boating, and fishing) among their favorite recreational activities.But it hasn't mentioned that how many residents were taken that survey and what percents of residents are interested in recreational activities & what percent are not interested.

And it is mentioned that the city park department devotes little of its budget to maintaining riverside recreational facilities.And there are so many complaints from years regarding the quality of the river water and the river's smell.so does it means the quality & smell of river is because of less maintenance or any other factories or some other reasons.If any problem identified then government or residents as some groups can take action towards the cause if they are really interested in water activities.

In the final statement,author has mentioned the city government should devote more money in for riverside recreational facilities.But as there is corruption in leaders nobody knows how much money will come to correct place and how it'll be utilized.

Conclusively,the argument seem clear at beginning but is flawed with many stated or unstated assumptions.

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Sweetheart, what do you think I can say about this new one when you didn't even fix your most basic comma/period use issue? In English, you must use a space after punctuation!

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