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Critical Historiography

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As mentioned in other threads recently, I'm starting to brush up on some contemporary critical theory this summer, as I know it's something of a weakness for me...and something I need to improve. One area that interests me is critical historiography, but I haven't come across many recent well-regarded theorists who are applying critical historiography to literature. Mark Jarzombek seems to have some work in this area (Psychologizing of Modernity is his key text), but...what else is out there? Any hot historiographers I should know about?


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Hey WT, I've had a bit of the same problem. I did stumble across Dominick La Capra's History in Transit, which I haven't read all the way through yet. I also picked up his History, Literature, Critical Theory, which may also be helpful.

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Hey WT, I've had a bit of the same problem. I did stumble across Dominick La Capra's History in Transit, which I haven't read all the way through yet. I also picked up his History, Literature, Critical Theory, which may also be helpful.


Kurayamino, you're a saint. I was worried this thread would sink without comment. I'll look into La Capra!

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