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Easy biology class?

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Hey all,


I saw the thread for an easy chem class online, and I thought I'd ask if anyone had recommendations for a relatively easy biology class!  I'm teaching fulltime next year and taking 6 post-bacc classes in the fall and the spring, so I'm afraid of overloading myself by also taking a bio class at my local community college.


Has anybody had good experiences or any recommendations for a biology class?

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USU Biol1010 with Vicki Rosen.


The weekly lectures are usually an hour sometimes up to 2 hours.

There is a quick 3 question quiz each week based on the lecture.

There is an somewhat annoying homework assignment each week that takes about an hour - mostly based on the lecture, some from the text book.

4 proctored tests including a comprehensive final - shes drops your lowest (non-final) test score.

Tests are based completely on lectures - take very good notes during the lecture, organize them based on the lecture objectives or study guide and study right from your own notes.


Not bad at all, and I hate science. No labs. She's flexible if you need an assignment or test opened early.

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