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Chicago(all universities)/Notre Dame grad students?


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Hi all,


Are there any current Chicago grad students in philosophy here (UofC, Northwestern, DePaul, Loyola, even Notre Dame)? I'm looking to get a good overview of the particulars of the different programs - what the atmosphere is like, which staff members are actually teaching, you know, the sort of thing the website won't tell you - so I'd love to talk to people who are in these grad programs.


I'll be in Chicago throughout August, so I can repay your advice with coffee and/or lunch. After that, I'm back to Amsterdam, but still digitally available.


Thanks so much for your reply!



Here's the full story: my SO is starting grad school at the University of Chicago this fall (not in philosophy), I'm going to try to get into grad school somwhere in Chicago this round. I want to do it right this time around; last year I was kind of late and super busy, so I didn't have the time to adequately research the programs: I missed some deadlines, then applied to Northwestern, only to find out the day before the deadline that there were reorganizations ahead that made my SOP irrelevant. So I had to completely rewrite my SOP in one day... Anyway, I'm going to do it more thoroughly this round.

My background is this: I studied both philosophy and classics in Amsterdam (BA and MA degrees in both fields, all cum laude). I've been teaching philosophy at the University of Amsterdam since graduating, but it's one temp job after the other, and I don't have any time to do research. So I want to get a PhD, to commit to research and to get the title that might (hopefully, possibly, one day) allow me to get a slightly more permanent job in academia.

Besides ancient philosophy (mainly Plato, Aristotle and the Hellenistic schools), my interests are in German Idealism, Continental philosophy, and issues of modality and existence in the analytical tradition. I'm also into the history and philosophy of science.


That's about it. Thanks again!


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I would check out the University of Illinois at Chicago too unless you excluded UIC on purpose for some reason. They have an active niche of students and profs working in idealism (mostly Kant and Hegel). 

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