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Photography MFA Suggestions


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Hi all, 


I've been an anonymous lurker for some time, but decided to create an account now that I've stronger intentions to apply for an MFA in Photography.  I've done some research into past posts about funding and recommended programs, but could still use some input.  I also think that most (substantial) posts discussing funding and photography specific programs are from 2012 (same year as the rankings conducted by US News...). 


I compiled a list of schools that I have narrowed down to the following:


Strong contenders: 








On the fence:


U. Washington 


Nortre Dame 



Columbia College 


I know that my work is experiencing a transition in motivation and purview--it's now more reflexive about the medium itself, slightly portraiture based, and very much moving towards mixed-media/installation.  


That being said, does anyone know if the schools above or any I've not included provide programs that fit that direction?  Funding is also going to be a HUGE incentive. 





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hey hypoart,


here is a link to visual arts based programs. anything color coded means there is significant funding: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qWCmafgtAJ7376ojOBZhznks0vhn_gjdDiRhCIgzRww/edit#gid=0    many fully funded mfa's are not 100% mfa photography programs, they are interdisciplinary.  


do you want to go to an mfa photography program or do you want a visual art/studio-based mfa? the 100% mfa photography programs you listed are: risd, yale, massart, vcu, icp, columbia college chicago. based on this list, yale probably has the best funding if you qualify. risd and massart have limited funding for photography, up to $10,000 a year, unless you are a standout applicant and you get a full or half tuition scholarship. not sure about vcu, icp, or columbia.











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Hi Mfaphoto1,

Thanks for your thoughtful reply! And that spreadsheet, big kudos to the creator (you, perhaps?).

I'd like to find a program that encourages exploring various iterations of the image and how installation/digital media might facilitate that experimentation. I don't think that I mind the idea of a more generalized studio art program if it allows me to synthesize my interests, but I do think that a photo specific program would lend itself better to understanding the theoretical trajectory of photography.

From researching faculty and course offerings at RISD and MassArt, it seems like either program would be a wonderful experience. I am heavily weighing funding opportunities, however. So, I'm left with trying to find a program that offers the best balance between program (faculty, course offerings, lecture series), cost, reputability, and location.

UCLA and ASU seem to offer that balance. I'd love, love, love to be accepted to UCLA. ASU is also appealing because I wouldn't need to relocate and the program does seem to be strong.

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ucla is excellent, as is california college of the arts, though it may not be great on the funding side.


often times state schools will offer full tuition stipends and teaching fellowships, which basically means you'll get paid to go to school. stanford has this structure for grad students, but like several of the schools you listed, is also highly competitive. 

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if relocating and funding is an issue, check out hartford art school. it is low residency and is less expensive than a full time program. some well-known teachers and its graduates are getting some attention.

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Relocating isn't an issue--I suppose what I meant to infer by saying that was that I can take advantage of ASU's in-state tuition.

I'll look into both Stanford and the low residency program at Hartford. Thanks for the suggestions!

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Hi seefortyone,

I do believe that ASU offers assistantships and scholarships, but haven't been able to find the details of those funding opportunities--other than that students accepted via regular admission are eligible. I imagine that the program is pretty selective, but I don't know any statistics. I don't know that I'd be able to sleep if I knew the acceptance rates for each of the programs I'm considering! I have so much respect for those who've braved this nervewracking experience.

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I applied to all the schools (except ASU) under strong contenders a few years ago. Yale and UCLA have the best packages because they have large endowments. From what I heard, Mass Art and RISD provide the least funding even to the students they want in the program.

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Hey, thanks for the info, smartobject.  Were there any additional schools to which you applied?  I hope you yielded some good results!

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