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issue task

keerthana krishnan

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hi.. i have just started preparing for GRE. i have attempted to write an issue task. can anyone please help me improve 



To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.
As the good old proverb says' when in Rome do as the Romans'. the current scenario in any city can be linked to this cliche. most people living in the cities are influenced by reflections of development,taste of other people and money. it is true that the cities are more exposed to improved technologies and great jobs but they lack the cultural essence of the society. 
is it possible for us to know about any city in India now? the probable answer is no. for example, if a person  tries to know the city of jaipur now, which was once known as the pink capital of India,will definitely get misguided when he can barely see any of the pink buildings in there. this is an effect of people of different cultures moving in to the city and altering its originality.
  in olden days the cities mostly consisted of the governing bodies, cultural and political centers, but nowadays what we find is that all the cities are almost the same. there are people of different origin in a city which doesn't really reflect the characteristics of the society. it is true however that the open mindedness of the people in the city has led to the invasion of technology which in turn leads to the economic development of the society. but we often forget to take into consideration the influence of money which actually spoils the cultural flavor of the society.  old buildings being re constructed in the name of comfort, old rituals compromised in the name of time saving are examples which state that the city has very less extract of the society. 
 it is true that the understanding of the characteristics of the society from a city would have been possible in the olden days which might not be true in the modern days as the society mostly reflects the rural areas keeping the heritage intact.
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