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Skype meeting with professor for TA position?


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So, I applied for a TA position at Fordham's Gabelli Business School through this program called Ground Floor; as far as I know, the bulk of the job is grading and mentoring freshmen students in a writing-intensive business class. The associate professor there who runs the program contacted me and wanted to meet me in person and discuss the fine details of what the TA-ship entails, but I am not going to be in New York until the end of the month, so he's going to call me via Skype tomorrow to talk to me, and I'm frankly a little nervous. 

I presume I'm a solid candidate for it since he reached out to me, but I have little to no experience in the realm of business— the assistantship is centered on writing though, and is only open to students in the English MA program. Has anyone ever dealt with Skype meetings like this, and have any tips or anything? I've never actually used Skype, believe it or not, and made an account over the weekend. He didn't phrase it as though I'd be having a formal interview— he simply said he wanted to talk to me and explain the details of the program, so I don't know quite what to expect or how formal and/or "interview-y" it will be.

I REALLY want the position because it pays pretty damn good ($5,000 for 10 weeks of part-time work) and would give me some good experience outside the classroom (or, at least outside the student position in the classroom). As I said, I'm mildly nervous, but part of me is also not that worried since he's the one who has shown interest in me for it. They take ten students from my department every semester, so I think I have a shot, but I'm honestly a bit scared!

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There's lots of advice around the internet about how to prep for a Skype interview. You want to be cognizant of the camera placement, the background lighting, and the sound. Do a test call or three beforehand to make sure you can be easily seen and heard. 

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Thanks, rising_star! 

I decided to be outside on the patio for the sake of lighting, and it worked out fine. The interview was pretty informal and mostly consisted of him describing the duties and the layout of the program that I'll be TA-ing in. I don't want to jinx myself, but he said he was optimistic about me since I have tutoring and composition experience in background, so I'm pretty confident that I'll get it! He said he'll get back to me this week. Apparently they take on fourteen grad students for the assistantships, but there aren't enough applicants from the English department to fill all the positions, so they may have to start seeking out social sciences students as well.

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